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Get to Know the Scientific Program Committees

Acquired and Critical Care Bleeding Theme

Theme Lead: Sophie Susen, France

Theme Vice Lead: Jeannie Callum, Canada

Ross Davenport, U.K.

Anne Godier, France

Jerrold Levy, U.S.

Zoe McQuilten, Australia

Ecaterina Scarlatescu, Romania


Arterial Thromboembolism Theme

Theme Lead: Juerg Hans Beer, Switzerland

Theme Vice Lead: Judith Cosemans, the Netherlands

Lorenzo Alberio, Switzerland

Alessandra Bura Riviere, France

Viviana Claveria, Chile

Paul Gurbel, U.S.

Young-Hoon Jeong, South Korea

James McFadyen, Australia

Maurizio Paciaroni, Italy

Satoshi Yasuda, Japan


Coagulation Factors and Co-Factors Theme

Theme Lead: Peter Lenting, France

Theme Vice Lead: Rodney Camire, U.S.

Delphine Borgel, France

Tilman Hackeng, the Netherlands

Laurent Mosnier, U.S.

Erin Norris, U.S.

Helen Philippou, U.K.

Ophira Salomon, Israel


Diagnostics, OMICs, and Advanced Technologies Theme

Theme Lead: Annett Bowyer, U.K.

Theme Vice Lead: Jill Johnsen, U.S.

Kathleen Freson, Belgium

Netanel Korin, Israel

Keith Neeves, U.S.

Maha Othman, Canada

Claire Pouplard, France

Suthesh Sivapalaratnam, U.K.


Fibrinogen, Factor XIII, and Fibrinolysis Theme

Theme Lead: Zelda de Lange-Loots, South Africa

Theme Vice Lead: Matthew Flick, U.S.

Zsuzsa Bagoli, Hungary

Alessandro Casini, Switzerland

Cedric Duval, U.K.

Charithani Keragala, Australia

Ton Lisman, the Netherlands

Lirlandia Sousa, Brazil

Valerie Tutwiler, U.S.


Inherited Bleeding Disorders and Inhibitors Theme

Theme Lead: Karin Fijn van Draat, the Netherlands

Theme Vice Lead: Susan Shapiro, U.K.

Lindsey George, U.S.

Maria Elisa Mancuso, Italy

Davide Matino, Canada

Tadashi Matsushita, Japan

Theresa Nwagha, Nigeria

Saskia Prasca, Colombia

Huyen Tran, Australia


Modulators of Coagulation and von Willebrand Factor Theme

Theme Lead: Josefin Ahnstrom, U.K.

Theme Vice Lead: Roger Preston, Ireland

Elisabetta Castoldi, the Netherlands

Maria Eugenia de la Morena-Barrio, Spain

Alan Mast, U.S.

Kazuya Sakai, Japan

François Saller, France

Pansakorn Tanratana, Thailand

Karen Vanhooreleke, Belgium


Nurses and Allied Health Theme

Theme Lead: Huw Rowswell, U.K.

Theme Vice Lead: Brian Ramsey, New Zealand

Ora Asheton, U.S.

Greta Mulders, the Netherlands

Marcela Ganzella Sisdelli, Brazil

Laurie Sardo, Canada

Camilla Tøvik Jørgensen, Norway


Pediatric Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Theme Lead: Julie Jaffray, U.S.

Vice Theme Lead: Heleen van Ommen, the Netherlands

Jorge Carneiro, Brazil

Anthony Chan, Canada

Neil Goldenberg, U.S.

Grace Lam, Hong Kong

Christoph Male, Austria

Mara Toscano, Mexico


Platelet Disorders

Theme Lead: Cindy Neunert, U.S.

Theme Vice Lead: Philip Choi, Australia

Hanny Al-Samkari, U.S.

Kochawan Boonyawat, Thailand

Taylor Kim, U.S.

Johanna Kremer Hovinga, Switzerland

Thomas Thiele, Germany

Barbara Zieger, Germany


Platelets and Megakaryocytes

Theme Lead: Karin Hoffmeister, U.S.

Theme Vice Lead: Neil Morgan, U.K.

Aaron Petrey, U.S.

Sofia Ramström, Sweden

Hana Raslova, France

Mirta Schattner, Argentina

Katsue Suzuki-Inoue, Japan

Jiaxi Zhou, China


Vascular Biology and Immunothrombosis

Theme Lead: Craig Jenne, Canada

Theme Vice Lead: Milka Koupenova, U.S.

Paul Armstrong, U.K.

Joshua Bourne, Australia

Carsten Deppermann, Germany

Chloe James, France

Arnold Lining Ju, Australia

Asher Mendleson, Canada

Samantha Montague, U.K.

Julie Rayes, U.K.


Venous Thromboembolism

Theme Lead: Frederikus (Erik) Klok, the Netherlands

Theme Vice Lead: Cecilia Becattini, Italy

Soo Mee Bang, South Korea

Jan Beyer-Westendorf, Germany

Marc Blondon, Switzerland

Lana Castellucci, Canada

Mary Cushman, U.S.

Sabine Eichinger, Austria

Stephan Moll, U.S.

Leslie Skeith Canada


Women’s Hemostasis and Thrombosis

Theme Lead: Angela Weyand, U.S.

Theme Vice Lead: Michelle Lavin, Ireland

Rezan Abdul-Kadir, U.K.

Renee Eslick, Australia

Offer Erez, Israel

Elvira Grandone, Italy

Paula James, Canada

Bethany Samuelson Bannow, U.S.

Tel: +1 919 929 3807

Fax: +1 919 929 3935

International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH) 
610 Jones Ferry Road, Suite 205, Carrboro, NC 27510 USA

Visit to learn more about the Society.

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